“LeadQuest’s approach to Leadership and Personal Accountability has helped me grow in virtually every aspect of my life. I’ve always been direct and tried to be fair, but understanding the importance of listening and really hearing is a skill that I needed to learn. Mark’s teaching and coaching, based on LeadQuest’s 10 Principles of Personal Leadership, have started me on a path of continuous improvement that will continue for the rest of my life. It’s about progress, not perfection!”
“Working with LeadQuest’s 10 Principles of Personal Leadership has been a critical part of Xelay Acumen’s success. Incorporating the 10 Principles into our culture has given everyone in the organization, from interns to the CEO, a common lexicon and framework to not only discuss how we communicate and lead individually but also to provide feedback across the team in a constructive supportive manner versus potentially misunderstood criticism. The LeadQuest coach enables our team to push beyond their fears and self-limiting beliefs by refocusing challenges and issues through this lens of the 10 Principles. In our fast-paced high stakes environment where rapid professional development and learning is expected and required, the combination of the LeadQuest 10 Principles and in person development coaching optimizes a culture of self-reflection, developmental learning and high performance.”
“LeadQuest brings a unique and powerful approach to improving organizational culture and performance. Through the full engagement of each member of the leadership team, LeadQuest is able to achieve sustainable results by creating a more accountable organizational culture.”
“LeadQuest provided incredible value to Bronson. The emphasis on simple, timeless dimensions of personal accountability guided our team through a journey that began with individual self-exploration. This honest reflection created a fertile environment for enhancing a team-based culture. This commitment has become an important foundation for the transformational strategy our organization is executing to thrive in a value-based healthcare industry.”
“Our work with Mark and LeadQuest has been the most culturally transformative process that I have experienced in my 40+ years of business. The work was intense and, at times, emotionally exhausting! I laughed and cried during a number of our meetings and became increasingly more aware of my areas of leadership strength as well as those areas needing development. I have been a strong advocate for LeadQuest and have shared Viking’s leadership success story with the other companies in our large global network of businesses. Thank you LeadQuest for helping Viking become an even more profitable company.”
“The expertise and the passion that LeadQuest brought to our organization was in one word, powerful! They connected leadership with shaping a healthy organizational culture and achieving desired business results. LeadQuest became a valued partner in this process and made a huge difference for us.”
“Mark Sasscer’s knowledge of the culture-change process is only exceeded by his passion for teaching it!”
“Management techniques come and go, but behavioral issues and organizational cultures cross generations, regardless of the business challenges at hand. That’s why LeadQuest’s simple, logical, straightforward approach to focusing on behaviors is so successful in creating sustainable change and results. Mark is one of the few individuals who has recognized the connection between behaviors and results. In today’s world, an organization that values and rewards positive behaviors will achieve results beyond their wildest dreams. That’s what Mark Sasscer and LeadQuest are all about.”
“Partnering with LeadQuest has been both rewarding and invaluable as we invest in our greatest asset...our people. Their genuine passion for people and their ability to develop talent and connect with all levels of an organization, put them a cut above the rest! Thanks LeadQuest Team.”
“As I think of my relationship with the LeadQuest Team, one question comes to mind: ‘Have the 10 Principles had more impact on my life at work or outside of work?’ The answer is simple - the 10 Principles have had a tremendous impact in both areas of my life and I am a better person and leader for it!”
“Over the past several years, I have had the privilege to be part of an Executive Team that has evolved into one that is high functioning as evidenced by the results we have achieved in a very difficult economic environment. The 10 Principles of Personal Leadership have been and continue to be foundational for our team. The LeadQuest Team has had a significant influence on me - both in my professional and personal life.”
“As a physician leader, I came to my position ill-prepared to lead from a place of personal accountability. LeadQuest gave me the tools to change. LeadQuest’s 10 Principles provide a common language and framework for action, and provide leaders and their teams the tools to have honest discourse, set specific expectations, and teach, coach and mentor to achieve greater success.”
“I have had the pleasure of working with the LeadQuest team in two different multi-billion dollar organizations. In both cases, LeadQuest worked with senior executives to improve their leadership and coaching skills. We experienced significant improvement in the performance of these individuals and their executive teams, as we worked to change the corporate culture. Because of LeadQuest, both organizations now have a solid understanding of the importance of culture in executing business strategies. Moreover, they have evolved into high performing and synergistic teams.”
“LeadQuest worked with my senior leadership team to teach us what personal leadership means and help us develop a common language and a common way to communicate (e.g., set expectations and deliver feedback) as we strove to become a more highly-functioning team. In 9 short months, LeadQuest’s coaching and facilitation allowed us to move forward beyond anything we could have possibly done on our own.”
“Working with LeadQuest has allowed me the opportunity to better live LeadQuest’s 10 Principles of Personal Leadership in both my professional and personal life. They are relevant principles that can be and should be applied on a daily basis; they make a powerful difference in people’s lives!”
“I think Mark (Sasscer) is being modest when he uses the term ‘culture change’ to describe his work. I truly believe it is transformational, because the condition, nature, and character of a company is impacted in a deep way. Simply put, one emerges from Mark’s work a different person and therefore a different leader...and the organization is better off for it!”
“In today’s world, Mark Sasscer is a rarity. He is a humble man whose brilliance, intellect, and emotional authenticity engages the hearts and minds of all the people who cross his path—from CEOs in fortune 100 companies to the waiter at Rosebud on Taylor street in Chicago. There is not a person who comes in contact with Mark who is not left changed in some positive way. Mark is unforgettable. I met Mark in November of 2012 as I was leading a turnaround company through dramatic change. Mark’s teachings of the Ten Principals of Personal Leadership changed my life professionally and personally.Mark’s authentic and humanistic approach to life touches every person he works with in a holistic and individual way. Mark’s teachings and guidance have allowed me and the people who have worked for me to achieve great success in many aspects of our lives. I carry Mark’s book — Accountability Now — with me as a road map to my commitment to my ongoing self-improvement as a leader and human being. Every time I read it I gain new insight and understanding of ways to be a better leader, partner, friend, and mother. I recommend working with Mark and his company if you are looking for life changing results both professionally and personally. I’m honored to have the privilege to learn from him.”